Top 10 Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
01: Treat a stuffy nose by irrigating it with strong acidic water using a bulb syringe. This helps to break up nasal congestion.
02: Stay warm and well-rested. Fighting a cold or flu is tough on your body, so give it the rest it deserves while you’re not feeling well.
03: Gargle with strong acidic water several times a day if you have a sore throat.
04: Drink lots of fluids to help break up congestion and prevent dehydration. Ionized alkaline water is best because it is full of antioxidants that can help your body tackle a cold. Ionized water is micro-clustered and is easily absorbed by the body.
05: Use a cool mist humidifier. Change the water daily and clean it with strong acidic water to keep the humidifier sanitized.
06: Use a menthol salve under your nose to help you breathe easier.
07: Blow your nose a lot to help get rid of all the mucus.
08: Sleep with extra pillows. Keeping your head elevated will help to relieve congestion.
09: Get your vitamin C. Oranges, lemons, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, bananas, blueberries, and cauliflower are all high in vitamin C.
10: Take hot, steamy showers. Make sure you have a shower filter attached so you are not inhaling chlorine fumes.