How to Use Acidic Water from Water Ionizers to Treat Cuts and Burns

18/02/2019 , by Admin 2 Comments Health

“Simplicity of approach is always best.” – Charlie Chaplin

Sometimes in life, it’s best to just keep things simple… and what could be simpler than drinking WATER?

Unfortunately, drinking the right kind of water isn’t that simple…because not all water is created equal. Just ask the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

water ionizers

Could water ionizers be the first aid resource you never knew you needed?

The NRDC released a study back in 2016…where they revealed that every state in the USA has a contaminated supply of municipal water that can put the health and lives of American citizens in danger.

This public water crisis, along with the Flint water crisis, has motivated thousands of people to take control of the drinking water in their homes by turning to water ionizers that can filter out the dangerous contaminants and bacteria from their regular water.

Plus, these machines cost less and they make alkaline water that is much healthier than bottled water.

Water Ionizers Can Provide More Than Just Health Benefits…

You see…water ionizers can convert your tap water into alkaline water through the process of electrolysis.

Ionized alkaline water contains many health benefits that people can receive from drinking this water. But don’t take our word for it…because over 1,000 scientific studies done over the years can prove the long-term health benefits of drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water from a water ionizer.

Some of the notable health benefits of alkaline water are:

But…what many people may not know is that the capabilities of an alkaline water machine go FAR beyond just keeping you hydrated.

Other than creating alkaline hydrogen water for drinking, some of these high-quality machines can also create acidic water that can be used around the house and as a natural first aid resource.

Water Ionizers: A Natural First Aid Resource

 Some high-quality water ionizers can make strong acidic water with a pH of 2.5 that can be used for basic first aid treatments – such as:

  • Removing the sting from insect bites and stings
  • Preventing extreme swelling, soreness, and redness from wasp stings
  • Preventing or reducing blisters on the body

But, did you know that ionized strong acidic water can be used to help soothe and treat cuts or burns on your body?

Tips to Treat Cuts and Burns with Acidic Water from Water Ionizers

Clinical trials have shown that:

“Wounds move to a neutral and then acidic state as healing occurs. Monitoring pH may aid in the objective assessment of the wound bed and evaluation of treatment progress.”

Here are some tips on how to use strong acidic water from high-quality water ionizers to treat cuts and burns:

For Cuts and Scrapes

  • Wash the wound(s) out with ionized acidic water and then dress the wound(s) in antibacterial cream and either gauze, tape, or bandages.
  • Use ionized acidic water every time you clean the wound(s) to keep it free from bacteria.
  • Studies have shown that cuts and scrapes that are washed with ionized acidic water are:
    • Less prone to infection
    • Can heal faster

For Minor Burns

  • Pour cold ionized acidic water onto a soft and clean cloth. Apply the water to the affected area. Continue to soak the rag with fresh cold water to keep it cool.
  • Cold ionized acidic water helps to soothe the sting by pulling the heat out of the burn.
  • After the sting of the burn has subsided, apply aloe vera or another healing ointment to help treat the area.

We really love how ionized acidic water doesn’t sting like hydrogen peroxide does when applied to cuts, scrapes, and burns. So, you can throw that hydrogen peroxide away for good!

Water Ionizer Resources for Your Health, for Your Home

Now that you know about some of the ways that you can harness the power of using strong acidic water from high-quality water ionizers as a natural first aid resource…

Where do you go from here?

Well – you could learn about some of the other ways you can use ionized water around the house:


If you are ready to stop wasting your hard-earned money on random household and first aid products that can be replaced with a one-time investment in a high-quality water ionizer machine

You can just grab our new Water Ionizer Buyer’s Guide to keep by your side as a resource when shopping around for the best machine for your home.

At 62 pages, you can read the guide in one afternoon and be well on your way to becoming an expert about water ionizers. Oh yeah…and it’s FREE!


water ionizer


Have any crazy household remedies that you like to use to treat a bad cut, scrape, or burn? Let’s hear them, folks!



  1. troy

    Very informative as I am dealing with an abcese on the knee not excited about invasive surgery.There is a drain which requires daily dressing and I use 2.5 into the canal. I’ve been drinking 9.5 ph water for five (5) years and receiving all the beautiful bebefits, Thanks for the info!!

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